Andrew Scott is My Happy Place

I have loved Andrew Scott forever.

The man is talented, gorgeous, charming, and can wear clothing in a marvelous way I don’t fully understand.

So naturally when the trailer for All of Us Strangers came out months ago, I was instantly thrilled. I avoided reading anything about it and went to the theater on opening night to avoid any spoilers and fully immerse myself in a world where I had no expectations.

Not only did I cry throughout the film, but off and on for several days afterward.

Last weekend I went to see Poor Things and when they showed the All of Us Strangers trailer I instantly began sobbing and cried the entire way through it.

It moved me so deeply and on so many levels I don’t think I ever fully comprehend what that movie did to me yet.

Yes, I loved it.

A couple of nights later, I had a fabulous dream where I was lying on a lush green field of grass at the Coachella Music Festival. The light was perfection, that ideal time of day when it isn’t hot yet still isn’t cool, the sun beginning to set and embracing everything in a cozy glow.

Beside me was Andrew Scott, the two of us on our backs laughing and chatting. I felt safe, embraced, joyful…as if we were the only two people on Earth.

When I woke up, in the moments before I opened my eyes, he said to me, “Looks like you need to go. I’ll see you soon,” and kissed me on the cheek.

I was smiling as I greeted the day, which is not something I often do.

A sense of hopefulness and endless possibilities held me as I moved through my day…and when it was time to return to sleep that night, I closed my eyes and drifted off quickly and without my usual dose of nighttime anxiety.

Again, we laughed in the grass, sipping iced coffee and listening to music as I rested my head on his shoulder.

It was perfect.

In moments of meditation I have often created little bubbles to retreat to when my mind begins spinning, but this one was gifted to me without any effort.

Sometimes just existing is all you need to do to help someone who needs it.

Thanks, Andrew. You are a treasure to be protected at all costs. Maybe one day I’ll be fortunate enough to hold your hand as we rush through a busy street to see a play or have you refill my glass of wine at an intimate dinner party, but for now, I’m happy to wake up with the scent of freshly cut grass lingering in my nose.

Mary Kay Holmes